Modern Food Preservatives work by poisoning bacteria and fungi

I looked hard at the two piles of food, most of which had been in my diet for 20 years or more. I tried to reason why the bread was considered a no no by the pendulum, when I had been eating it all my life, and went on to discover that wheat contains gluten and too much glutin can cause metabolic poisoning. But bread was a staple that I wanted to eat, so I started buying different types of bread - rice bread, gluten free, bran, wholemeal, organic, etc but they all seemed to trigger migraines, the only one which didn't was the fresh bread from the bakery, the type which goes dry by the second day and mouldy in a couple of days. I began to look into the additives in the food I was eating and when I tested myself by eating food containing preservatives the migraines would always start approx. 2 - 4 hours later. This was not the case with food that was preservative free where there is no reaction whatsoever. When I went back and looked at the list of foods that the pendulum had told me were not good for me, not all was labelled as having preservatives added, for example tea leaves are soaked in anti fungicides before they are dried but you will not find this information written on the container, and the same applys to dried herbs and spices. Although I can pick at small amounts of foods with preservatives in without triggering a migraine I will always find that my stomach starts bubbling away and I get various mild side affects, my Lympe glands swell and ache my muscles will ache and my vision can go strange I also feel unwell and this will last for upto a day unless I continue to eat food dosed with chemicals where I will not feel well again untill some 24 - 48 hours AFTER I have eaten the last of the poisoned food.
I would get confusing signals from the pendulum when I tested raw meat before i would cook it, and also sometimes afterwoods, initially I would put this down to perhaps the meat had bacteria growing on it or that I was generating stay thoughts that affected my pendulum ( handling raw meat always makes me feel squeemish ), but with later investigation I have discovered that cuts of meat are sprayed, injected or soaked in preservatives and/or other chemicals, again none of this is labeled and no one tells you that this is common practise in the meat industry, since discovering these facts I soak and wash all my cuts of meat and I no longer get chemical poisoning effects from the cuts of meat I consume.

Now its my bad luck that I haven't got a constitution capable of coping with the quantitys of poisons that are put into our foods to extend its shelf life, but I can certainly see the economic value of being able to stock and sell a loaf of bread over a 10 day period rather than the 1 day for 'natural bread'. But of course the really important thing is, what is it doing to your health long term, or even in the short term, I am inconvenienced by having to be very choosy about what I eat, but I do see friends and strangers having continuous bouts of 'illness' put down to viruses or stress and I wonder how much of it is to do with the preservatives that are put into our food. Remember preservatives work by poisoning the bacteria/fungi when it tries to grow upon the food, the higher the level of poisons the longer the shelf life

I am lucky in that if I eat food which contains bacterialcides or anti-fungicides I get a very strong warning with a migraine or with luck lesser side effects which usually lasts approx 24 hours ( the time it takes the poisoned food to pass through my system ) but those who do not get a warning continue to eat those same foods. But poison is poison, calcium propionate which is extensively used in wheat products is more poisonous than arsenic weight for weight, although I do remember the old story of king midas who tried to build up a resistance to arsenic by taking tiny amounts everyday in an effort to cheat an assassination attempt by poisoning, it failed of course because poisons are usually accumulative and the arsenic stayed in his body, so one day when he took his usual amount of arsenic, it was like the proverbial straw that broke the camels back, and he died.

In regards to food testing, I believe that my subconcious detects the molecules of food, identifies what they are and compares it to a data base of all my previous experience, and then it can tell if that particular food is beneficial or harmful to my metabolism. Just in the same way that the subconcious mind in pregnant women decide which nutrients are missing for the healthy growth of the baby, the subconcious encourages the mother to devour all sorts of strange combinations of food, the subconcious is not concerned with etiquette but with nutrients.

I also found that milk could trigger migraines and on most occassions the pendulum would confirm that cows milk was not very good for me, but sometimes the pendulum would indicate that it was ok, this was very confusing especially as in any scientific experiment I would expect the results of a test to be consistent, before, I would trust the answers, but just like the bread ( where some had preservatives and some did not ) I knew there had to be an answer. I found out that scientists have discovered that only 25% of people suffer no reaction to cows milk, the rest of us have various problems in digesting the large fat globules that are found in cows milk. There are many different reactions to cows milk, eg: soft stools, diahorrea, skin complaints, bad circulation, immune suppresion , mucus overload and also poor nutritional uptake by the body. I understand that Asian people suffer badly from consuming cows milk. My answer to this was to switch to organic Goats milk, because the globules of fat are much smaller in goats milk my stomach is capable of digesting it without complaint. But I recently discovered that a common practise amongst dairy farmers was to feed their cattle calcium propionate which is also used as a preservative in food. The calcium propionate apparently stops milk fever in cows, which is a disease caused basically by stressing the cows by over milking, the cattle become deficient in calcium with the consequence that milk production goes down, so farmers use the calcium propionate to balance their cows diets but the preservative/poison is now also in your milk, they have also been washing the cows teats with this anti-bacterialcide for many more years then that. I believe it was this that my pendulum was probably detecting in most of the batches of milk that I tested, but of course not in all batches as not all cows are fed preservatives, so some milk was always 'pure' from chemical additives.

Food scientist know that modern preservatives are highly toxic, but with strict rules controlling food producers so that they are only allowed to add 0.3% by weight of preservatives to food produced. The hope is that there is no long term health problems, food scientists say preservatives are safe because they do not build up in your body, but pass through with your body waste. Food manufacturers are pushing for higher levels of preservatives to be allowed in food as this will increase the shelf life and of course profit on foods. I also understand that fruit is also washed in preservatives, so wash your fresh fruit before testing with a pendulum. Have you checked your container of salt recently, you would think that salt is as pure as you can get to a 'natural' product all mammals need salt to help them perspire and to allow their bodys to regulate themselves, without salt we will get ill, but have a look on the label and see if you can recognise the 'additives' that you now sprinkle on your food, I can't .